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Malta's Prime Minister resigns over journalist murder

Chief of Staff Keith Schembrick, known as Prime Minister Muscat's right-hand man, was detained last week for questioning in the murder case.

The Dhaka Times Desk Malta's Prime Minister Joseph Muscat is considering resigning after the murder of a journalist two years ago has created a nationwide standoff. As the political and legal crisis escalates, Muscat has voiced these concerns to those close to him.

সাংবাদিক হত্যার কারণে পদত্যাগ করছেন মাল্টার প্রধানমন্ত্রী 1

A spokeswoman for the party did not comment on the matter but told the media on Friday (November 29) that a mascot event scheduled for next Sunday (December 1) has already been canceled by her party, the Labor Party. Party leaders and Prime Minister Muscat were scheduled to address there.

Caruana Galizia, the country's renowned journalist for her investigative reporting, was killed in a car bomb attack on October 16, 2017 while performing her professional duties. Journalists have demanded justice for the murder, but there have been allegations that the government is trying to divert the investigation into the case.

Chief of Staff Keith Schembrick, known as Prime Minister Muscat's right-hand man, was detained last week for questioning in the murder case. However, Schembri has denied any involvement in any crime. Police later said there was no need to detain him for questioning.

Schembri, the suspect in the eyes of journalist Galizia's family, was released Thursday night (November 28). Since then, the family has been demanding the resignation of the prime minister. The common people of the country have spoken with them.

The Galizia family says that since the involvement of three of the Prime Minister's aides in the assassination case has come to light, he cannot remain in charge of the case and must resign.

Mascot, known as the prime minister of the 'elite', faced demands for resignation even before. He then rejected the claim saying that I can never leave my duty. Malta needs steadfast leadership. I will play a policy-making role in the interest of the country, but I will not protect anyone (criminal).

Meanwhile, three people are on trial for killing Galizia. However, the country's government could not find out who was actually involved in hiring these three people even in these two years. That is why Galizia's family has been claiming that the government is trying to cover up the murder case for its own benefit.

Meanwhile, two members of Muscat's cabinet i.e. two ministers stepped down this week, realizing the critical situation. Most of the country's media say that the situation is ominous for the 'elite' rulers. The news of the Prime Minister's resignation has already spread everywhere.

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