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World record with 100 jumps in just 30 seconds! [video]

A Chinese youth set a world record by participating in a jump rope competition

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know that rope jumping is played in rural areas. And that game has now gone to international level. A Chinese youth set a world record by participating in a jump rope competition. According to media reports, this record of the Chinese citizen has also been placed in the Guinness Book of Records. Recently, the International Jump Rope Competition was organized in Shanghai, China. In that competition, a young man from China jumped 100 times with two legs in just 30 seconds! It is known that this success of the young man has created a world record. No one has been able to do this record before.

মাত্র ৩০ সেকেণ্ডে ১০০ লাফ দিয়ে বিশ্বরেকর্ড! [ভিডিও] 1

We all know that rope jumping is played in rural areas. And that game has now gone to international level. A Chinese youth set a world record by participating in a jump rope competition. According to media reports, this record of the Chinese citizen has also been placed in the Guinness Book of Records. Recently, the International Jump Rope Competition was organized in Shanghai, China. In that competition, a young man from China jumped 100 times with two legs in just 30 seconds! It is known that this success of the young man has created a world record. No one has been able to do this record before.

The name of the young man who recorded the sixth double dutch contest in that competition in China is Wang Xisen. Wang Shisen set this record by surpassing nearly 400 competitors from different countries of the world.

Another 17-year-old recorded another event at that competition in Shanghai with Wang Shisen. His name is Sen Zhaoling. He jumped 228 times in just 30 seconds in the single leg jump event, which was the highest.

However, it is known that Zhaoling jumped 208 times in the same event in 2016. He broke his own record by jumping 228 times in Shanghai on November 19.

Note that jumping rope is basically a village game in our country. Especially the girls of the village play this rope jump. It is considered as one of the oldest games of our country. Village girls are more skilled in this rope jumping game. But nowadays this game is not seen anymore. These traditional games seem to be disappearing with time.

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