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We are not born to face bullets: Arundhati Roy

Prominent writer Arundhati Roy has given a strong statement against India's National Population Registration (NPR) and Citizenship Amendment Act (NRC).

The Dhaka Times Desk Prominent writer Arundhati Roy has given a strong statement against India's National Population Registration (NPR) and Citizenship Amendment Act (NRC). Arundhati Roy said that this law should be opposed at the outset. NRC will create problems for Muslims. We are not born to face bullets.

বুলেটের মুখোমুখি হতে আমরা জন্মাইনি: অরুন্ধতী রায় 1

Prominent writer Arundhati Roy has given a strong statement against India's National Population Registration (NPR) and Citizenship Amendment Act (NRC). Arundhati Roy said that this law should be opposed at the outset. NRC will create problems for Muslims. We are not born to face bullets.

Joining the protestors in Delhi University, this writer urged and said, "If you want to stand up, stand up first." Don't let NPR do it. Counter this with wrong information and address during NPR if necessary.

Arundhati Roy said, to fight against it, it is necessary to proceed through specific plans. When they go to your house to interview for NPR and ask for your name, you give them the wrong name. Tell me the address if you want 7. This can create confusion. Remember, we were not born here to be beaten or shot.

Arundhati Roy complained that despite massive protests in the country, the government is trying to impose the rules of NRC and CAA through NPR. Arundhati Roy also alleged that Uttar Pradesh police continue to attack and persecute Muslims.

Arundhati Roy said, Muslims are being attacked in Uttar Pradesh. Police are also looting freely by entering houses. This can never be accepted.

It should be noted that protests have started in the country since the National Population Registration (NPR) and Citizenship Amendment Act (NRC) in India. The country's college-university students have also come down on the streets. All classes of people, starting from the intellectuals of the country, are standing against it. Opposition political parties in the country have accused the current Modi government of dividing the country. According to media reports, more than half a hundred people have already been killed in the riots. Realizing such a situation, this legendary writer of the country made such a comment.

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