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Technology is advancing in the world: Bangladesh is not behind

Computers, Laptops, iPods, Tabs, Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook Mobile Apps, Robots, Drones, Mobile Banking, Easy Online Shopping, Rides, Fissing Technology, Latest Agricultural Technology are creating a revolution.

The Dhaka Times Desk The world is now a global village due to the constant advancement of technology. Our world is constantly changing due to the new discoveries of scientists. Bangladesh is not lagging behind with the change in global technology. It is gradually moving forward.

বিশ্বে এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে প্রযুক্তি: পিছিয়ে নেই বাংলাদেশও 1

With the development of technology, the country is gradually changing, traditionalism is changing and evolution is taking place in the lifestyle of people. Technology is contributing significantly to make people's lives easier, more comfortable and safer. Technology is becoming the main accessory of human life. Scientists are constantly looking for modern technology.

The excellence of several technologies has surpassed even human imagination. Every decade the technological development of man continues to amaze us. Almost everything in the universe from remote areas is becoming digital. New possibilities are constantly being added to the history of technology. As the concept of development in today's world has changed, the country that uses information technology more, the country is more developed. Thousands of satellites in space are like a superhero changing the landscape of the world. Computers, laptops, iPods, tabs, Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, mobile apps on Facebook, robots, drones, mobile banking, easy online shopping, rides, fishing technology, latest agricultural technology are creating a revolution. Now the triumph of online media is going on. Many of the world's most famous newspapers and magazines have now switched off their print versions and gone online. The iPhone handset is like a whole computer in the palm of your hand!

The use of information technology is increasing day by day in Bangladesh. Today's generation is swept by the tide of technology. The whole world is supposed to be something smaller than a marble in the hand! Hand in hand is meeting the wealth of creation of immense technology. From the remote areas to the capital cities are running with the help of technology. In addition to ensuring economic growth, technology is being widely deployed to improve the quality of life. From school students to common farmers in the village, everyone's life is changing with the touch of this modern technology. What used to be called Ajpara Gaon until now is no longer seen in rural areas. Touch of technology in every village house today. Now can be seen on the village street CCTV cameras! This pace is likely to increase in the coming years. Then the face of the world will change even more. There is no doubt that the use of more cutting-edge technology will have a direct impact on lifestyle.

Mobile phones have ushered in the letter-watch-torchlight era. Wireless DTH satellite TV is replacing terrestrial or dish line TV. Online banking, mobile banking, e-commerce, online shopping are spreading rapidly in every home and in one word technology has changed the lifestyle of people.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube have completely changed the world of entertainment. People's preferences and food habits are also changing with the change of time and demand. As technology has changed the entire life system of people. Many people prefer hotel-restaurant food and fast food more than home food. For them Foodpanda National Supply Company has become inevitable. After Amazon and Google, Alibaba brought the virtual assistant through the device. There are also many online shopping apps like Daraz. Something is available only if you want it. The effect of this online marketing is so much that it is closing the shutters of all the retail shops in the world.

According to mobile app analytics firm 'App Annie', people spent more than $12 billion through apps in 2019. People are now giving more priority to gifs, emojis, video calls than talking on smartphones. Instead of keeping money in the money bag, there are credit cards and travel cards!

Modern mechanized technology has transformed agriculture. Machines are doing everything from plowing the land to planting crops, growing crops, harvesting, bringing them to market. Drones have brought revolution. Providing medical services to remote areas. Fishermen are fishing in the sea with modern technology. The whole world is online. Searching on Google on the internet can provide all the information you need. Electronic books i.e. e-books are taking the place of paper books. Instead of searching for something, there are now numerous search sites like Google or Mozilla at your fingertips. Where a search by writing a word brings up the database in minutes.

According to Odesk, the world's largest freelance market place, Dhaka is currently the third largest outsourcing city in the world. The eyes of the generation are now only online. According to Canalys Research, there are currently 5 billion smartphones in use in the world. In 2010, the total number of Internet users in the world was only 1.3 billion. In 2019, that number has increased to 720 crores. All in all, the situation is such that the number of mobile connections in the world is now more than the total number of people. Naturally, numerous businesses and services have developed around the smartphone. Source: Ittefaq Online.

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