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8 killed including military chief in helicopter crash in Taiwan

5 people were rescued alive in this incident

The Dhaka Times Desk International media reported that 8 people, including the country's military chief of staff Shen Yi-ming, were killed in a helicopter crash in a mountainous area of Taiwan. According to media reports, 5 people were rescued alive in this incident. The accident happened yesterday (Thursday) around 8 am. CNN news

তাইওয়ানে হেলিকপ্টার দুর্ঘটনায় সামরিক প্রধানসহ নিহত ৮ 1

International media reported that 8 people, including the country's military chief of staff Shen Yi-ming, were killed in a helicopter crash in a mountainous area of Taiwan. According to media reports, 5 people were rescued alive in this incident. The accident happened yesterday (Thursday) around 8 am. CNN news

On Thursday afternoon, Taiwanese Air Force Lt. Gen. Hsiung Hu-chi confirmed Shen's death along with seven others at a press conference. Shane was pronounced dead after being taken to hospital after being rescued alive by rescue teams.

The defense minister said in a statement that the UH-60M helicopter carrying 13 people, including the military's Chief of General Staff Shen Yi-ming, crashed in a mountainous area near the city of Taipei.

The statement added that the helicopter crashed after taking off for a routine inspection of troops in Taiwan's northeastern Ilan region on the eve of the Lunar New Year. However, the cause of the helicopter crash has not been reported so far.

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen is said to have suspended election campaigning for the next 3 days in mourning over the accident.

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