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The bicycle will now run in water!

Due to the operation of the pedals, the propeller will rotate with the power from the electric motor and this vehicle will move forward

The Dhaka Times Desk Bicycles on the road - that is the normal rule. But this time the technology has changed the rule of thumb. Now made a water bicycle!

বাইসাইকেল এবার চলবে পানিতে! 1

After taking time for almost a decade, Karmacial hydrofoil bicycle is going to come in the market. New Zealand based company Mantafive has finally released their electric bicycle in the market.

The characteristic of the bicycle is that it will run on water instead of on road. MantaFive showcased this product called the Hydrofoil EX One at the CES Tech Show in Las Vegas, USA.

The bicycle will start moving when you step into the water and turn the pedals. Due to the operation of the pedals, the propeller will rotate with the power from the electric motor and this vehicle will move forward.

Although there is a habit of riding a bicycle on the road, proper practice is also required to drive this electric vehicle well on waterways.

Technology from US Cup sailboats is used in the Hydrofoil EX One. This e-cycle is a great companion for family and friends on the beach or lake.

The maximum speed of this e-cycle is 12 miles per hour. But its speed can be controlled as needed. The Hydrofoil EX One will cost you $7,490, which is more than Tk 6,36,000 in Bangladeshi currency. Source: BBC

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