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What to do if the smartphone falls in water? find out

The Dhaka Times Desk The smartphone may suddenly fall from the hand into the water. But why do you see that scene only? Or try how to protect it? Learn what to do if you fall into water.

water & Smartphone

If your smartphone suddenly falls into water due to slippage, then there is no reason to panic. Don't assume the phone is broken beforehand. Keep your head cool during this time. Observe the rules below with a very calm mind. Then there is no chance of any damage to your phone.

What to do if the smartphone falls into water:

# should be taken out as soon as it falls into water, and first of all, open the back cover of the mobile phone and take out the battery and SIM card.

# Then arrange to dry the mobile without wasting time. It should be remembered that if the mobile phone is left wet for a long time, it may gradually become useless. If you have a hair dryer, turn it on and dry the mobile thoroughly.

# But if you don't have a hair dryer or a hair dryer, immerse the mobile in a bowl of rice for a while. The rice will absorb the water and the mobile phone will be completely dry.

# can dry your mobile phone in another way. Wrap your mobile phone well in 2/3 layers of tissue paper and keep it in the fridge for 15/20 minutes. Then take it out of the fridge and put the battery on the mobile phone and see if it is working or not. If it doesn't work, take out the battery and wrap the mobile phone in tissue paper and put it back in the fridge. Check again after a while to see if it works. This is how the mobile restarts many times.

However, care should be taken not to leave the mobile in the water for a long time. If the mobile phone falls in water for a short period of time and then dried according to the above rules, there is less chance of damage.

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