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Coffee brings diabetes under control!

The number of diabetic patients is increasing day by day. But it is a preventable disease

The Dhaka Times Desk The number of diabetic patients is increasing day by day. But it is a preventable disease. It is possible to control this disease to a large extent only if the food habits are kept under control. At least that's what the research says. Recently, researchers have said that coffee acts as a great medicine in controlling type-2 diabetes. Coffee has many health benefits that play a role in controlling type-2 diabetes.

কফি ডায়াবেটিস নিয়ন্ত্রণে আনে! 1

The number of diabetic patients is increasing day by day. But it is a preventable disease. It is possible to control this disease to a large extent only if the food habits are kept under control. At least that's what the research says. Recently, researchers have said that coffee acts as a great medicine in controlling type-2 diabetes. Coffee has many health benefits that play a role in controlling type-2 diabetes.

If you can drink 3 cups of filter coffee a day, the chances of getting type 2 diabetes are greatly reduced.

Coffee can be boiled or consumed hot. So why the filter? In this regard, the researchers said, the effect of filter coffee is many times more than that of boiled coffee. It is more useful for the body.

Researchers at two universities in Sweden found that drinking boiled coffee didn't come close to controlling type-2 diabetes the way filter coffee did.

So if one can practice three cups of filter coffee a day then type-2 diabetes will stay away from him, researchers think.

Meanwhile, another study by the Harvard School of Public Health showed that drinking three to four cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of diabetes by 29-54 percent.

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