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Lots of coastal areas could sink this century – no scientific consensus on sea level rise!

The Dhaka Times Desk The most alarming issue of the current century is sea level rise. Imagine one city after another sinking due to rising sea levels. But the alarming news is that there is not enough data to say with certainty what the rate of sea-level rise will be this century, and there is no scientific consensus on how dangerous this rate of rise is.


Nature Geoscience Research by leading experts in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK published in the journal:Greenland And Antarctic The region's ice is melting at a rapid rate and losing weight. There is also no scientific consensus on whether sea-level rise reports are natural or long-term changes in the ice-seat-climate system.

Perhaps global warming and associated climate change should be of concern because the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are important factors in the melting of sea-level rise this century.

It is known that in the 20th century, the height of the sea surface was 17 cm, which increased by 2 millimeters every year. But in the 21st century, due to global warming, the height has increased by 26-59 cm. Scientists believe that due to global warming, the sea level will increase further.


According to many other scientists, the ice sheets are so large that it would take centuries for global warming to melt and raise sea levels. All recent analyzes have combined what they say is that if there is an extreme rise in height, it will be 30 cm, not much change since the 20th century.

Sea level is rising at a rate of 1.5 millimeters per year due to increased ice melting. Experts have predicted that the sea level may rise by one or two meters in the next 100 years, i.e. 2100. A number of organizations and the Google-funded climate change watchdog echo this consensus.

Professor Jonathan Bamber of the University of Bristol According to a study, data from previous studies show that scientists believe sea level will rise, which is predictable in the meter range, but at the same time uncertain. According to the study, expert opinion is both highly uncertain and inconclusive.


No matter how many scientists and researchers give different information, it is a fact that due to global warming the sea level is rising day by day, as a result many coastal areas of the world may sink. A lot of scientists and research organizations are working to save from this terrible danger, hopefully soon all scientists will reach a scientific consensus and any protective method will be discovered to save from the danger, that should be the prayer of everyone.

Reference: The Register

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