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Human wrestling with sharks!

The Dhaka Times Desk A July trip to Nantucket, an American island, is quite exciting. Anyone can watch the sunrise or sunset, fly kites, build sandcastles or wrestle with sharks here on summer vacation. Recently, a shark wrestle with a shark hunter took place here and the incident was also photographed.


Elliot Sudal, 24, moved from Florida to Nantucket for a job with a shipping company has come Last Sunday, he was seen wrestling with a seven-foot shark. Although he says it is his favorite hobby.

to ABC News Said that he has great interest in fishing. He has caught more than a hundred sharks in the last eight months and he loves doing it.

The Nantucket Marine Police Department confirmed to ABC News that Eliot Sudal wrestled the shark in the incident.

Sudal said he uses bluefish as bait when he's sure sharks are in the vicinity. Then the shark came forward and proceeded to eat half of the bluefish. Sudal threw the half-eaten bluefisti and within two minutes had the shark on the hook which was tight on the other side of the barashi.


He held the shark on the line for about 45 minutes until it was exhausted. He then handed the rod to his cousin and attacked the shark in the waves. Sudal then runs into the water, grabs the shark's tail and hauls it up into the dinghy – the most unsafe thing to do when it comes to shark hunting.

Around 20 spectators had gathered to watch him wrestle the shark, and as he left, the crowd gave him a standing ovation.

Elliot Sudal said that he has been fishing since childhood. He had his first shark encounter two years ago and it was, according to him, an epic battle between humans and sea creatures.


Eliot Sudal released the shark after catching it, in this case he demonstrated liberalism in shark conservation.

It is known On the coast of Cape Cod Although the number of white sharks is increasing day by day, the authorities have not yet decided to close any beaches.

Reference: ABC News

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