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Excess fat in various parts of your body causes bone damage

The Dhaka Times Desk Excess fat in your liver, muscles, and blood makes your body's bones weak, brittle, and fragile. Recently, a research report by US doctors was published in the online radiology journal.


This online radiology journal said in their report, research has shown that in the case of healthy people who have excess fat or fat in their body, especially in various important parts of the body, those people are in the midst of bone loss or various bone complications.

People who have excess fat in their liver, tissues, blood, and bone marrow are at risk for osteoporosis.

America's Massachusetts General Hospital "Obesity used to be thought of as a way to protect bones or protect against osteoporosis," said Dr. Miriam Bredella, associate professor in the Department of Radiology. But now in our research we have been able to prove that this is not true at all. Obesity is not a protector of the body's bones, but obesity or excess fat in the body can lead to various complications including bone loss in people."

Previous studies on this topic have shown a relationship between visceral fat and bone mineral density. However, this study has shown how excess fat in the human body damages the bones of the body.

Miriam Bredella and her research team in their study proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy He uses a special technology called They used this technology to study 109 obese men and women between the ages of 19 and 45.

Studies have shown that people who are obese and have excess fat in their liver and muscles also have more fat in their spinal cord. This excess fat is very harmful for bones.

Studies have also shown that people with higher levels of fat in their blood also have higher levels of fat in their siblings.

Miriam Bredella says, excess fat in the bone marrow means bone loss and bone weakness. If you increase the amount of fat in different parts of your body, it will have a harmful effect on your bones.

Source: News Jinghua Net.

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