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The doctors revealed the important information about the corona virus patients

How does it attack the human body? What are the symptoms of this disease? Who is at greater risk of becoming seriously ill or dying? How will the victims be treated?

The Dhaka Times Desk The death toll in China's Wuhan due to the deadly corona virus is about 450. The death toll from this virus in the country has increased to 426 till Monday. A total of 17 thousand 205 people have been affected.

করোনা ভাইরাস আক্রান্তদের নিয়ে যে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্য প্রকাশ করলেন চিকিৎসকরা 1

The novel corona virus is still a mystery in medical science. How does it attack the human body? What are the symptoms of this disease? Who is at greater risk of becoming seriously ill or dying? How will the victims be treated? The doctors of Jinitan Hospital in Wuhan, China have started to give important information about these issues which are still unknown to doctors around the world. China is at the forefront of dealing with the deadly disease spreading fear worldwide.

A BBC report said that detailed information about the first 99 patients treated at the hospital in Wuhan was published in a journal called Lancet Medical Journal.

How a lung attack occurs

All 99 hospitalized patients had pneumonia. Their lungs were inflamed and their alveoli, the tiny cells through which blood mixes with oxygen, were watery.


82 people had fever, 81 people had phlegm, 31 people had breathing problems, 11 people had body pain, 9 people had delirium, 8 people had headache, 5 people had sore throat.

How the first death happened

The first two people who died of the corona virus looked very healthy. However, their lungs may have already been damaged due to long-term smoking.

The first was a 61-year-old man who came to the hospital with severe pneumonia. The man was suffering from acute respiratory distress, meaning that his lungs could not even supply the oxygen needed to keep the body alive. Even after being put on a ventilator, his lungs gradually failed and his heart stopped at one point. He died 11 days after being admitted to the hospital.

The 2nd, a 69-year-old man, also had acute respiratory distress at that time. He was given an artificial lung or extra corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO or ECMO) but it was not enough. He died of septic shock with severe pneumonia and low blood pressure.

At least 10 percent of admitted patients die

As of January 25, 57 of those 99 patients are still hospitalized. 31 people recovered and left the hospital. 11 people died. This does not mean that the death rate from this disease will be 11 percent. As many are still in the hospital, some of them may die, and many may not have gone to the hospital because their symptoms are mild.

Market worker

A seafood market in Wuhan has been linked to the 2019-NCOV virus. Chickens, bats, rabbits, snakes, marine animals and various wild animals were being sold in that market. This market was closed on January 1.

49 of the first 99 infected people were directly involved with this market. 47 people worked there, either as store managers or workers. Two of them were buyers who had just visited the market.

The middle-aged are most at risk

Most of the 99 patients were middle-aged, with an average age of 56 and 67 men. Recent data also show that men are more affected by this disease than women. China's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that 1.2 men for every woman are infected with the virus.

Here two types of possibilities are mentioned behind this gap - there is a high probability that men will get seriously ill and be admitted to hospital due to corona virus infection. In the first phase of the outbreak, social and cultural factors make men more susceptible to the virus.

Li Zhang, a doctor at Jinitan Hospital in Wuhan, said that the X chromosome and sex hormones may play a role in women's slightly lower risk of contracting the coronavirus. They mainly play an important role in disease prevention.

Pre-existing illness

Most of those 99 had pre-existing conditions. It is believed that they can easily get infected with this virus as their immune system is low. 40 of them had previously suffered from heart disease, stroke and heart attack. 12 of them had diabetes.

One thing is almost clear in the above report. And that is which age group is more likely to be affected by the corona virus. Moreover, more men than women are affected by this disease and those with other serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease are slightly more likely to be affected. However, there are other ages as well. However, the risk seems to be slightly higher in the elderly.

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