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Learn about some of the most amazing swimming pools in the world

The term swimming pool is quite 'luxurious' in the field But what about the swimming pool?

The Dhaka Times Desk The term swimming pool is quite 'luxurious' in the field But what about the swimming pool? There are so many pools around the world that are truly amazing!

বিশ্বের কয়েকটি বিস্ময়কর সুইমিং পুল সম্পর্কে জানুন 1

The term swimming pool is quite 'luxurious' in the field But what about the swimming pool? There are so many pools around the world that are truly amazing!

Infinity swimming pool

This swimming pool is located on the 57th floor of a luxury hotel in Singapore's Marina Bay. The blue sky overhead made the pool water blue too. The pool overlooks Marina Bay sunset.

Ubad Hotel

If you are not satisfied with the sunset from Marina Bay, then you can come to Ubad Hotel. The swimming pool of this hotel located in Bali, Indonesia is one of the most memorable swimming pools in the world. You will also find the two-story pool of this hotel above the rain forest.

Rethy Rah

This Rethi Rah is a natural pool made of white sand and coral. A coral reef separates this pool from the sea. This swimming pool is currently owned by Rethi Rah Hotel in Maldives.

Violin swimming pool

This swimming pool is one of the favorites of musicians. The only reason is size. Just like diving into a whole violin. This swimming pool in New York is private. A banker built this swimming pool.

Gold Energy Pool

It's just eye-popping. Looking at the pool water will burn your eyes. Its water is sparkling like gold. This swimming pool is located in the St. Regis Hotel in Lhasa, Tibet. The bottom of the pool is covered with 14 carat gold tiles! So it is reflected in the water.

Oberoi Udayvilla

This royal villa is located in Udaipur, Rajasthan. Outside the villa is a large outdoor swimming pool. While swimming in the pool, you can enjoy the surrounding scenery.

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