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Travel: Visit Mermaid Beach Resort in Cox's Bazar

As soon as you hear the word 'beach', you can hear the roar of the ocean waves

The Dhaka Times Desk If you are visiting Cox's Bazar, you should go to Mermaid Beach Resort. There you can see the natural beauty of the beach sitting at home. A truly wonderful nature.

ভ্রমণ: ঘুরে আসুন কক্সবাজারের মারমেইড বিচ রিসোর্ট হেত 1

As soon as you hear the word 'beach', you can hear the roar of the ocean waves. I remember being washed by the overflowing waves, standing on the seashore at night with my feet wet in the cold air. One can also remember the experience of enjoying the endless ocean sunset and eating delicious seafood. This variety is not a foreign variety, it is about Cox's Bazar of our country. This is about Mermaid Beach Resort in Cox's Bazar.

A truly unique natural beauty. The dining table is arranged in the natural light and served beautifully. Anyone will be impressed.

It takes 25-30 minutes by tuk-tuk from Kalatali. Different from the fun of going out and enjoying the surroundings and ordering the food there. The blue padma is in bloom and the little ones are having a lot of fun in the open space. A different environment.

You can see the cooking kitchen from outside. Juice corner with various fruits arranged individually. The juice is served by cutting the fruit in the glass. Looking around while eating juice.

Also known as Owl Island, this place also offers small boat tours. Sometimes there is music in the evening. You may be surprised to see the variety of games with fire. Various idols are arranged on the sand. Colorful boats, various oysters made of iron, there you can take pictures in various poses.

ভ্রমণ: ঘুরে আসুন কক্সবাজারের মারমেইড বিচ রিসোর্ট হেত 2

The restaurant here has juices, seafood, salads, calamari fries, grilled calamari, all of which taste wonderful. Also the pickle sauce they give you is quite interesting. Going to have lunch but having a fun time is late to eat. Everyone can order food of their choice, so you will be impressed by the variety of food. You will also get satisfaction by eating again.

After eating, you can sit in the open again to enjoy the nature. They have also made beautiful arrangements for the guests to sit by the sea. If you want you can sit there and eat. The season is so beautiful now, you will feel good if you come out for a few days. Get out and be close to nature to take a break from the daily grind. Based on the writings of author Rahnuma Sharmi.

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