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161 new cases of corona in South Korea: 7 dead

China's neighboring country South Korea has caused a lot of panic due to the corona virus

The Dhaka Times Desk After China, more people have been found in the body of the corona virus in South Korea. Due to which there is panic among the people of the country. There are 161 new cases and 7 total deaths.

করোনায় দক্ষিণ কোরিয়ায় নতুন করে আক্রান্ত ১৬১: মৃত ৭ 1

China's neighboring country South Korea has caused a lot of panic due to the corona virus. 161 more people have been infected there. With this, the total number of infected people stands at 763.

Officials in the country confirmed two more deaths from the virus today (Monday), bringing the country's death toll to seven.

Prior to this, yesterday (Sunday) a maximum alert was issued regarding the spread of the corona virus and more deaths. South Korean President Moon Jae-in ordered authorities to take 'unprecedented and strong' measures to stop the spread of the outbreak.

Iran also has the highest death toll after mainland China. So far 8 people have died in the country. With 15 new cases on Sunday, the number of corona infected patients in the country is now 43.

Three neighboring countries -- Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey -- have closed their borders with Iran amid fears of an epidemic after eight people died and 43 were infected in Iran due to the coronavirus that spread globally from China.

Another person has died in Italy due to the deadly corona virus. A total of three people have died in this country. Last February 23, a woman died in the province of Cremona in the Lombardy region of Milan.

Italian media reported that so far, about 150 people have been infected with the corona virus in the country. Of which 112 people have been infected in the Lombardy region, 25 in the Veneto region, 6 in the Piedmont region, 2 in the Laccio region and 9 in the Emilia-Romagna region. Two deaths have been reported in the Lombardy region and one in the Veneto region.

After China, South Korea has the highest number of people affected by the deadly virus. The number of infected in China is now more than 77 thousand. In addition, after hundreds of passengers were infected on a cruise ship named Diamond Princess in Japan, more than 600 people were also infected with the virus that spread from Wuhan in China.

A religious group and a hospital in the southeastern city of Daegu, South Korea, fear that many more may be infected with the virus, health officials said.

It should be noted that on December 31, the novel corona virus was detected for the first time in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei Province, China. So far, this deadly virus has spread in at least 30 countries of the world. The virus is believed to have originated from a seafood market in Wuhan.

The number of deaths due to corona virus in different countries of the world, including China, has reached 2500 so far. Of which 2 thousand 465 people died only in mainland China. The number of people infected with this virus worldwide, including China, has increased to 78 thousand.

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