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Travel: Visit Jinjira Palace in Keraniganj

Jinjira Palace is a historical building built during the Mughal period on the other side of Buriganga river

The Dhaka Times Desk Keraniganj is very close to the capital. And there is a witness of history Jinjira Palace. You can visit Jinjira palace as you wish. Where you go you will see many things of history with your own eyes.

ভ্রমণ: ঘুরে আসুন কেরানীগঞ্জের জিঞ্জিরা প্রাসাদ 1

Jinjira Palace is the name of a historic building built during the Mughal period on the other side of Buriganga River in Keraniganj Upazila of Old Dhaka. A corruption of Jazira The word Jinjira means island. Jinjira Palace was built as a pleasure center by Subedar II Ibrahim Khan in 1620 AD. The palace is named Jinjira or island palace because of the land or jinjira surrounded by water.

A wooden pool was used to get to and from the exquisitely crafted Jinjira Palace, shaded by native trees. It is said that after the defeat in the Battle of Palashi, Sirajddaula's family was sent to Jinjira Palace. According to local tradition, a tunnel was built through the Buriganga to connect the Lalbagh Fort to the Jinjira Palace, which was used by Mughal army officers.

At present, the entrance arch of Jinjira Palace and two palaces, modeled after large katras, survive. A once deserted village or habeli has now turned into a sprawling settlement. Buildings and many shops are built around Jinjira Palace.

how to go

To come to the capital city of Dhaka, there are transport systems such as buses, trains, planes, launches etc. from all the districts of Bangladesh. Coming from Gulistan in Dhaka to Sadarghat, crossing the Buriganga river and reaching Bara Katra adjacent to Soarighat, if you ask the local people, they will tell you the location of Jinjira Palace.

where will you stay

For those who come from outside Dhaka, there are more or less residential hotels in almost every area of the capital Dhaka. There are hotels ranging from 5 star standard to standard hotels. Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Hotel La Meridien, Radisson, Sundarban, Blue Water Garden etc. are notable among the 5 star hotels. Also Bangabandhu Avenue, Fakirapool, Paltan, Gulistan and Old Dhaka will find numerous residential hotels with low cost accommodation.

where to eat

Since you are coming to Old Dhaka area, here you can taste different delicious food including Hajir Biryani of famous Kazi Alauddin Road, Pistachio nut sorbet of Hotel Royal, Nanna's Chicken Polao at Becharam Deuri Road, Lalbagh Shahi Masjid with Mohan Mia's Juice and Hanif's Tehri.


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