The Dhaka Times
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The Tragedy of Savar 2 labor leaders arrested for cheating the injured in Rana Plaza

The Dhaka Times Desk Savar's wounds are still not dry. Various types of frauds are being committed on that occasion when the unemployed workers are disorientated. Savar Thana police have arrested 2 labor leaders on the charge of cheating the injured in the Rana Plaza collapse.


According to the online news media, the general secretary of the Savar police station committee of the National Garment Workers Federation Kabir Hossain and member Rafiqul Islam were arrested from Adharchandra High School grounds in Savar on Saturday.

Mustafa Kamal, OC of Savar Model Police Station, said that Gonoshattha provided health care to some of the injured in the Rana Plaza collapse on Saturday in the Adharchandra High School grounds. Appearing there in the evening, these two leaders were accepting money by promising to get some injured workers compensation from the government.

When the people of the area reported the matter to the police, they were arrested red-handed. The OC also said that the case is being prepared in this case. They will be produced in court on Sunday. All are urged to be vigilant so that workers are not lured by anyone.

It is to be noted that when the Rana Plaza of Savar collapsed, many people were killed in this incident of remembrance. In this opportunity, a class of people are trying to cheat the workers in various ways.

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