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Ford Company's automated vehicle surveillance technology

The Dhaka Times Desk World famous car company Ford Motor Brings new surveillance technology. As a result, the car is able to detect something coming from the outside, generate automatic sounds and lock the doors and windows. Ford has already patented the technology.

ford car

It will be very useful for the police and others engaged in security. The survey shows that the police force admitted to the attack due to lack of sufficient signal. Such accidents are common. Security forces including the police have to go on various operations using cars. And this opportunity is used by the criminal gang. Ford thinks their new technology is capable of providing greater safety to this car.

Cameras and sensors will work when the car is moving in reverse. The new surveillance system will work while the car is parked. The hidden mirror will show the image coming from the rear camera. Car occupants can keep eyes everywhere in the car. If a person comes too close to the car, the four sensors installed in the car can detect it. It is said that this technology will work during the day as well as at night. It has been observed that most of the security officers are attacked at night. The technology can also be turned off to move in active traffic areas. It can be turned on easily when needed.

The new surveillance technology comes from the brain of Ford company engineer Randy Freiberg. He worked with police and ambulance customers and was responsible for meeting their needs. Michigan police authorities have contributed as much as possible to the development of the technology. Other police car suppliers have not been able to demonstrate such technology before.

References: USA Today

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