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Tour: Explore Amdah village architecture

The architectural monuments of Amdah village are located only 4 km away from Meherpur district town

The Dhaka Times Desk If you want to visit, you can go to see the architecture of Amdah village. This architecture of Amdah village has survived as a witness of history. The architectural monuments of Amdah village are located only 4 km away from Meherpur district town. The area of architectural monuments of Amdah village surrounded by tunnels is about 1 square kilometer. These architectural monuments of Amdah village are considered to be the houses destroyed during the war of Baga bandits with Raja Goala Chowdhury.

ভ্রমণ: ঘুরে আসুন আমদহ গ্রামের স্থাপত্য 1

If you want to visit, you can go to see the architecture of Amdah village. This architecture of Amdah village has survived as a witness of history. The architectural monuments of Amdah village are located only 4 km away from Meherpur district town. The area of architectural monuments of Amdah village surrounded by tunnels is about 1 square kilometer. These architectural monuments of Amdah village are considered to be the houses destroyed during the war of Baga bandits with Raja Goala Chowdhury.

Today, there is no trace of this archeological site, but an archeological pillar found under the soil of Amdah village architectural site is placed in front of the old District Commissioner's building.

how to go

The distance of Meherpur district from the capital Dhaka by road is 312 km. It will take 6 hours to 7 hours to go to Meherpur by bus. Various bus services from Dhaka to Meherpur include Chuadanga Deluxe, Purbasha, M.M. Paribahan, Shyamoli Paribahan, Darshana Deluxe, Meherpur Deluxe and JR Paribahan. The ticket fare for each seat of these buses is between 500 to 1200 taka depending on the standard.

You can easily visit the architecture of Amdah village by riding an easy bike or rickshaw from Meherpur district headquarters.

where will you stay

Among the overnight accommodations in Meherpur district town are Circuit House, Paur Hall, Fin Tier Residential Hotel, Kamal Residential Hotel and Mita Residential Hotel.

where to eat

Meherpur has a variety of fine dining hotels and restaurants to cater to the daily dining needs. However, you can eat sweets called "Savitri" of Meherpur city among the special dishes. If you visit Meherpur during the mango season, don't make the mistake of eating ripe mangoes. The mangoes here are also famous.

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