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Cow urine hand sanitizer 'Cowpathy' is available in India!

Cow Urine Hand Sanitizer and Soap Named 'Cowpathy'

The Dhaka Times Desk After allopathy homeopathy, this time 'Cowopathy'! Cow urine hand sanitizers and soaps are now available in India to prevent Corona. And it is available on India's e-commerce site! Named 'Cowopathy'.

ভারতে পাওয়া যাচ্ছে গোমূত্রের হ্যান্ড স্যানিটাইজার 'কাউপ্যাথি'! 1

This hand sanitizer and soap made from cow urine has been named 'Cowpathy'. Indian media Zee News reported this.

According to the report of Zee News, 2 hand sanitizers of 50 ml are available for 100 rupees. On the other hand, 6 to 7 packs of 'Cowpathy' soap are available online for Rs 210.

The description of 'Cowpathy' sanitizer states that it is made from pure cow urine of indigenous cows. At the same time, aroma essential oil and Ganga water have been mixed with it so that no smell comes out. The description also states that it contains no alcohol. It will keep your hands moist and soft.

However, there is still little to no evidence that these sanitizers and soaps 'prevent' the spread of the coronavirus. However, Zee News claims that it has become quite popular on e-commerce sites.

It should be noted that cow urine and dung can cure corona virus infection! Recently, BJP MLA Suman Haripriya of Assam, India made such a claim. Just a few days later, the news came out that hand sanitizer is being made from cow urine!

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