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Now anti-corona virus in the mail!

It is also claimed that a mysterious doctor has discovered the corona medicine!

(© Alexander Raths/ stock-medical-research-01-adobe Scientist with dropper at laboratory

The Dhaka Times Desk Cyber crooks can also send fraudulent mail claiming to cure Corona. Just by clicking on it, personal information can be stolen - it is warned.

এবার করোনা প্রতিরোধী মেইলেও ভাইরাস! 1

Cyber security firm Proofprint reported receiving such emails in February. It is also claimed that a mysterious doctor has discovered a cure for Corona. Several versions of this mail were created and sent to the user. It asks someone to click on it and login to a webpage. This is how cyber criminals steal personal information.

Mail tax returns

Cyber security firm Mimcast detected such fraudulent mail a few weeks ago. The mail mentioned various benefits related to tax refund. Clicking takes you to a fake government page where you are asked to provide financial and tax information. Experts have warned that only going into it for funds can lead to disaster.

Fake mail of the World Health Organization!

Cyber crooks have launched many fake e-mail campaigns impersonating the World Health Organization (WHO) webpage. It is claimed that the information sent by them tells how the recipient of the mail can prevent the corona virus! It is also said that it is possible to prevent Corona within few measures. But Proofprint says that such fake mails do not contain any useful advice. It contains malicious programs like Agent Tesla Kilger. Once it is installed, cybercriminals can see everything a user writes online.

The panicked mail

Experts have also warned that cyber crooks can exploit people's fear of Corona and send mails. One such mail was detected by a cyber security company called Cofence. They claim that cyber miscreants also send fake mails in the name of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In this mail, many scary things have been said about Corona. It is then taken to Microsoft's login page. Those crooks grab the e-mail and password if someone gives them.

Send mail asking for help

According to information from cyber security company Kaspersky, miscreants can also send fraudulent emails about the situation of Corona. Some mails may ask for financial assistance to produce medicine, while others may ask for money in the name of someone on his deathbed. These amounts are said to be paid in bitcoins. Kaspersky has already detected 513 types of fraudulent emails. In every such mail, cyber crooks add virus, malware or harmful programs.

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