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Various activities on social media about Corona

In a very short time, the deadly corona virus has spread from China to the whole world

The Dhaka Times Desk In a very short time, the deadly corona virus has spread from China to the whole world. Like other countries, the mercury of anxiety is heating up day by day in Bangladesh.

করোনা নিয়ে সামাজিক মাধ্যমে নানা কর্মকাণ্ড 1

In a very short time, the deadly corona virus has spread from China to the whole world. Like other countries, the mercury of anxiety is heating up day by day in Bangladesh.

Social media is working like adding fuel to the fire in this concern of people. That is why panic is spreading around. Fake news, funny videos and even pictures are seen.

Apart from blaming all the strange reasons behind the spread of corona virus, many treatment methods of corona virus are also mentioned in these fake news. Even the number of people affected by corona virus in Bangladesh is high, the news has also claimed that.

Although only 39 corona virus patients have been detected in Bangladesh so far. 5 people died. The Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) has provided this information.

Experts are concerned about the spread of rumors in this regard on social media. According to them, this kind of fake news can be as harmful as a virus.

IEDCR Director Mirzadi Sabrina Flora commented that various rumors are being spread through social media and urged not to listen to such propaganda. He advised everyone to be aware without worrying about this.

Not only the rumors are panic, but someone is also presenting Corona in a funny way. Many people are neglecting it by publishing TikTok videos and pictures.

Also, some rumors related to the treatment of corona virus have spread on social media. Somewhere it is said that corona virus gets better by eating garlic, cloves, adazol. Many people are advertising and promoting various medicines with this. Which have no scientific basis.

Due to these rumours, on the one hand, people are panicking, and it is feared that they may rush towards wrong treatment and cause more danger. So never listen to these rumours. Know the right news and follow the right rules. Then we can protect ourselves from this deadly virus as well as protect the nation - InshaAllah.

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