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How to get the necessary vitamin D for the body!

The Dhaka Times Desk A lack of vitamin D increases the risk of many diseases. The body produces vitamin D after exposure to sunlight. Moreover, this vitamin is also available from food. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to soft and weak bones.


Vitamin D is generally of two types:
There are two types of vitamin D commonly found. Vitamin D2 And Vitamin D3. Vitamin D2 is usually found in food and vitamin D3 is found in sunlight. Two types of vitamin D are necessary for our body. If we get enough vitamin D2 from food, the vitamin D2 will be used by the sun to make vitamin D3.

What is vitamin D-3?
Vitamin D3 is not just an ordinary vitamin. It regulates the normal amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. If the amount of phosphorus in the blood decreases, a person quickly becomes weak after work. Phosphorus in the blood plays a special role in re-energizing the body after heavy work.

Vitamin D3 also regulates intestinal and bone calcium. As a result, the human bone structure becomes stronger. Vitamin D3 plays a special role in the control of multiple sclerosis in the body. Vitamin D3 has a special relationship with weight loss and gain. In addition, lack of vitamin D3 can cause cancer and high blood pressure.

For those who need more vitamin D3:
Generally, everyone needs vitamin D3, but children and the elderly need more vitamin D3 to maintain bone structure. Besides, pregnant mothers also need more vitamin D3. Because the bone formation hormone of the child in the mother's womb is obtained from this vitamin D3.

Where can we get vitamin D?
Vitamin D2 is available through food. Vitamin D3 is usually obtained from sunlight. Vitamin D2 under our skin is converted to vitamin D3 in the presence of sunlight.

How we can increase vitamin D3 in the body:
Surya Kiran: If someone does not go to sunlight regularly, then his body may lack vitamin D3. Therefore, sunlight plays a special role in the production of vitamin D3 in our body. Vitamin D2 is normally stored under our skin. When we are exposed to sunlight, vitamin D2 under our skin is converted to vitamin D3. However, it should be remembered that morning sunlight is particularly effective in making vitamin D3.

Mushroom: Today, many people know mushroom, mushroom is a traditional nutritious food. Eating mushrooms will increase the amount of vitamin D2 in your body, which is then converted to vitamin D3 when you are exposed to sunlight.

Surya Mukhi Seeds: Sunflower seeds are a special source of vitamin D2 and vitamin D3! Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin D for vegetarians. You can also get vitamin D from sunflower seed oil.

Exercise outside the house: Exercising outdoors means exercising in sunlight, so your body will get enough sunlight along with exercise. In this, your body can make the necessary vitamin D3 from sunlight. But the misty light of the sun works on it. It is better to avoid strong sunlight. Ultraviolet rays can be the cause of skin cancer, besides increasing the amount of melanin in the skin, it darkens the body color.

Source: India Times.

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