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1 year anniversary of Curiosity on Mars

The Dhaka Times Desk Look at the space agency NASA spaceship Curiosity Completed 1 year on Mars. To mark the occasion, NASA recently released a 2-minute video featuring some previously unpublished images sent by Curiosity at various times.


Curiosity landed on Mars on August 6 last year. In this one year, Curiosity has sent thousands of data to Earth through which it is possible to know more about Mars. NASA released a short video image containing 548 selected images sent from August last year to August this year. All images were taken by Curiosity's camera. The video footage shows scenes of digging, searching for water, digging holes in the mountainous regions of Mars. Here's the video:

Curiosity is expected to spend another 11 months on Mars. But this depends on its battery power. If it can store more energy, it can survive longer.

References: The Tech Journal

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