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Experts stop calling cancer cancer

The Dhaka Times Desk Scientists from the Advisory Committee of the National Cancer Institute recently published an article on the deadly cancer in the Journal of Medicine published by the American Medical Association, which has already sparked widespread discussion. In that article, scientists advised not to declare all cancers found in the patient's body as 'cancer'. They suggested defining cancer only as cancer cells or lesions that are likely to die if treated.


American oncologists used their experience to reach this conclusion. At various times as doctors, they have seen patients go ahead for surgery even after finding benign non-growing cancer cells. The word 'cancer' causes anxiety and drives them to the operating room, even though most of the time they didn't need the surgery at all.

Dr. Otis Brawley, the organization's chief medical officer and one of America's top oncologists on the National Cancer Institute's advisory committee, said, "The classification of cancer that German pathologists made in the 1850s needs to be recast."

And so he suggested that cancer-causing cells that are not growing fast or not growing at all are not 'cancer' but rather 'idle', i.e. idle. Because the cells grow very slowly, the scientists named them 'Idols' instead of cancer.

References: USA Today

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