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Weird news: the investigation committee on the death of vultures!

The Dhaka Times Desk Chile's Ministry of Health is investigating the cause of poisoning of 20 species of vultures rare in the Andes Mountains.

Kanadar sakun

According to online news, these endangered birds named condor vultures are one of the largest birds in the world. Birds are more than 9 feet wide. They live in the Andes Mountains. 20 of these vultures were found unconscious near the Chilean town of Los Andes on Sunday. The area is located 80 kilometers east of Santiago, the capital of Chile.

Two of the poisoned birds died, while the remaining 18 are recovering after being treated at an animal hospital, authorities said. The authorities believe that the vultures got sick by eating the poisonous meat of dead cows and foxes. Witnesses brought the matter to the attention of the authorities when they saw these birds, which are famous for being able to fly freely at high altitudes, bumping into rocks while flying down.

Pablo Vergara, regional director of Chile's Department of Livestock, said: 'Birds have been poisoned by phosphate compounds by eating sick dead animals or dead animals that have eaten those animals. Source: BBC.

The initiatives taken by the Ministry of Animal Husbandry of that country to save the endangered birds is a lesson for other countries of the world, especially Bangladesh. Because in our country, dead animals and birds often fall into the hands of hunters of living animals and birds, but we do not see any legal system for it. We will at least be a little aware after reading this news. We will also come together to protect our animals and birds.

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