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Children who are abused in childhood suffer from mental problems even when they grow up

The Dhaka Times Desk A recent study found that children who are bullied at an early age are more likely to experience emotional and social problems later in life.


Research report on the long-term psychological effects of child abuse is the first to be published Physiological Science on the site called Here it can be seen that those children who are exposed to mental stress and abuse at a young age face various mental problems in work and social life when they grow up.

Professor of Physiology Dieter Wolk In this regard, he said, “We cannot take child abuse lightly because its effects are long term. We need to take this issue seriously now as its impact can be dire for both individuals and states.”

A survey shows that 20% children in the developed country of America admit to mental and physical abuse.

In a recent study, researchers looked at 1,420 children between the ages of 9 and 16. These children were followed until they were 24 to 26 years of age.

In the study, the researchers paid special attention to those children among all children who were or had been bullied, whom the researchers named "bullied-children".

Later it is seen that all the children who have been abused at a young age are facing various problems even joining the work field and their financial condition is not good. Apart from this, their social life is also unhappy, here they are equally unhappy in their married life. Those who admit to mental abuse in their childhood may not be happy with their friends or spouse later on.

A study last June found that children who are bullied typically don't make as many friends as children. As a result, they suffer from mental problems such as depression even as adults. Those who have friends share their problems with their close friends, but in this case, these children become more depressed. They become more emotional.

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