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The terrible Mars Corona virus in the Middle East

The Dhaka Times Desk Some countries in the Middle East, including Jordan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, have seen outbreaks of the deadly Mars Corona virus. A species of bat was initially identified as the carrier of the virus.


Mars Corona Virus or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Virus is a deadly deadly virus. Last year, at least half a hundred people died in Saudi Arabia due to this virus. Doctors are still not sure about its benefits. There is no proper treatment or prescription for it.

This year, 96 people have been infected and 47 have died in the Middle East. The outbreak of this respiratory disease has been going on for the past 15 months. Scientists have confirmed that bats are the source of this virus in Saudi Arabia. Virus expert Dr. Jonathan Ball He said, we have been thinking for a long time that bats are the carriers of this virus. Now it is confirmed. Bats are carriers of many viruses like Nipah virus, Sars.

Bats do not bite normal people. They live by eating fruits and other things. So there is a risk of virus spreading from these food fruits. It is not yet clear how the virus enters the human body.

It is said that, like sheep, these bats take shelter in abandoned buildings and breathe in the virus from dried bat droppings. But it is also possible that an animal is receiving the virus this way and humans are getting infected. Scientists have not ruled out cattle including camels, cows, goats and sheep in the list of suspects and are examining the samples obtained from them.

Every year Muslims from different countries of the world travel to Saudi Arabia during this Hajj season. Many people are afraid of the outbreak of Mars Corona virus. A large number of people from Bangladesh will also be traveling for Hajj very soon.

References: BBC

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