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Nissan's $1,000 self-driving car will be available as soon as 2020

The Dhaka Times Desk A famous car manufacturer target They said they will make an automatic car by 2020 and its price will be only 1,000 dollars.


It is said by Nissan that their decision to produce this automatic car is a breakthrough, the reason behind this is that Nissan is the first car manufacturer in the world to develop an automatic car.

Meanwhile, Nissan's Chief Executive Officer Carlos Ghosn said, "We have made significant progress in sales of modern cars in the global market between 2007 and 2010, which is a record sale for Nissan." As a result, we are going to further improve our car manufacturing techniques and technology and we are also determined to bring the world's first automatic car to the market at a very affordable price in proportion to the car's technology.

Meanwhile, Nissan is not the only one focusing on the development of automatic cars, research is already underway at the University of Tokyo in Japan. On the other hand, Ford, Toyota, General Motors have also said that they are thinking about making automatic cars.


Nissan has a track record in Japan where they are already constantly researching autonomous vehicles and modern vehicle technologies. Nissan is moving forward with the desire to make this automatic car designed by Nissan not only in running, but also in its brakes, everything will work without human touch.

Finally, if Nissan succeeds in producing an automatic car, it can be considered as a significant advancement in the car industry and Nissan will ensure its unique position in the industry.

Source: Gizmodo.

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