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Users ditch the expensive Chromecast for the free Chipcast

The Dhaka Times Desk Google Chromecast for watching TV or YouTube videos on Android or tablet The $35 app that left the app attracted users but is completely new Chipcast A free app by the name has already created a huge response among Android users.


As the number of Android handset users is increasing, the competition for Android applications is constantly increasing among the software companies. New applications are being sold in the Play Store market at very high prices. Recently Google released an application called Chromecast. The use of this application named Chromecast is quite novel. It will turn your smartphone into a TV that is virtually wireless and antenna-less. Also, if the handset is connected to the TV with Chromecast installed, the picture difference is quite clear on the TV screen as well. However, users had to pay around $35 to own this wonderful application. There is a high price, besides this, another problem is that this application could not be used from many countries of the world. But despite the high price, since the manufacturer is Google and the application is also quite beneficial, Chromecast has seen huge demand in the last one month.

But a free app called Chipcast is poised to shake up Google's Chromecast business. Its usage is also much simpler and more comfortable than Chromacast. This software is 1.6 MB beta version Google Play Store Anyone can download it very easily. It can also be used on most high-end handsets starting from Android 2.2 version. On the other hand, it gives the user some opportunities to customize the application, which Chromecast itself does not offer until now. Many enthusiasts have already posted video tutorials on how to use Chipcast on the video-sharing website YouTube.

References: The Tech Journal

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