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A person called 999 and asked for help to save from a little rain

The Dhaka Times Desk When a man and his baby went out for a walk on the flyover in West Sussex, Britain, they were suddenly hit by rain. At that time, the person called 999 directly without asking for help elsewhere and asked them to be rescued.

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In Britain, the 999 service is only for public assistance in emergencies, and the man's call to rescue him from a light rain has sparked debate across Britain.

The police officer on duty at that time said it would be around 12:30 minutes, he called us to rescue her and her child from the flyover. He kept threatening us in various ways if we did not take the issue seriously at first. He said he would file a complaint if she was not rescued along with her infant son.

In the end, the police officer could not help the man's call. The decision was to take him to a nearby bus stop in a nearby patrol car. Accordingly, the person and his baby were dropped at the nearest bus stop.

In this regard, the police officer said, "Our 999 service is an urgent public service, we should not call for help on small issues, the person could have called any taxi or waited for the bus without calling 999."

Britain's 999 service is generally used by the public to call for help if they report or recognize a crime, but not for any taxi service.

In the same way, if people are happy, they want more happiness, there is a well-known proverb "If you eat, you want to sit, if you sit, you want to sleep."

Source: Breaking news.

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