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Bracelets for remembering PINs and passwords are coming in the market

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's age of technology now has security passwords in everything, so remembering these passwords is a lot of trouble, to make this task easier, bracelets to remember PIN and password are coming in the market.


How many different accounts a person has, bank account, email account, social media account and many more accounts. Remembering so many passwords as a result of requiring different passwords to use each account brings additional suffering for many. For them, this time L PIN and password remember bracelet.

Canadian company Bionym Created bracelets for remembering PINs and passwords named Nymi.

Nymi It has a special heart ID which works to follow the heartbeat of the person. In the case of humans, the heart beat or heartbeat of each person is not the same as the heartbeat of each person. As a result, this bracelet can easily understand who is in his hands? The owner or someone else!

This bracelet usually only works on designated devices. Whenever this bracelet is taken to a designated device such as a computer, car or a locker, it can automatically understand what kind of account it is and what its password was given! For example, if this bracelet is taken near a car or a locked door and if these devices are previously paired with the bracelet, it will check the heart rate of the user and unlock the device. At the same time, if this bracelet is connected to a smartphone, it will vibrate when an SMS or email is received.


Nymi There is no chance of the bracelet being stolen because if you put the bracelet on someone else's hand, it will also check your heart rate and tell you that you are not his owner, so he cannot help you in any way.


However, if you want to get your hands on this bracelet, you'll have to spend $79 if you're among the first 250,000 to order, or $99. It will be available in the market by 2014. For details on pre-order Click here.

Source: The TechJournal.

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