The Dhaka Times
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Working woman and beloved mother

The Dhaka Times Desk As the participation of women in various workplaces is increasing in Bangladesh, the concern about child care is also increasing. So working mothers can become dear mothers to their children if they keep some things in mind.

Employed Mother with her child

The number of working women in Bangladesh is increasing every year. From 1999 to 2003, the number of women only increased by 25.1 percent in the education, housing, manufacturing, trade and banking and insurance sectors (BBS, LFS). As the level of participation of women increases our economic growth, it also increases the status of women in the society. But working mothers are facing various questions to their beloved children, the complexity of mother-child relationship is increasing.

Before going to sleep at night, you have to think about what to cook before going to work in the morning, what to feed your children, etc. When you wake up in the morning, you don't even have time to breathe. Then there is the pressure of work in the office, complications of the office, career - these are all things that keep a working woman worried. Even in the midst of busyness and anxiety, the thought arises, "Is the person I left at home okay? What is the baby doing now?" Meanwhile, the people at home are less worried? How long can computer, TV, games forget him? Every bell or knock on the door, the sound of footsteps makes him startle, "Here comes mother!!!!" After a long wait, when mother comes as if everything is in hand, what great strength and courage arises, mischief also increases. The body tired from the various troubles of the office all day sometimes feels the mischief and mischief of the child and that's when it becomes a problem. On the other hand, the longing to be close to the mother and not being able to be close by oneself has an adverse effect on the child's mind, which can create a distance between the mother and the child day by day.

Mothers have to play major roles in bridging this gap. Below are some of the points:

  • Take your child to the office occasionally. Show him around the whole office. Introduced to office colleagues. Make him understand that he is very important in your office. Your child will be happy with it and will remember it for a long time.
  •  Leave the holidays entirely to the child. The whole family goes out on holidays. You can eat out and if it is not possible to go out, then prepare the child's favorite food, listen to his stories, play with him, forget not to scold him excessively for any mischief that day, but explain it to him. Many working mothers keep their children under close supervision during the holidays. Don't even let the child play with his friends. He asked me to sit with a book all the time. Put aside all blessings for this day of the week and think that it is good. This wrong thinking of yours will keep you away from your child. So avoid this thought now.
  • Never in front of the child Husband-wife quarrel don't do This will make him mentally weak and criminal tendencies will increase.
  • Never misbehave with the person you hire to look after your child. Not in front of the child. Help him become your child's best friend. If you misbehave with her, she will misbehave with your child in your absence.
  • If you are late for any reason in coming from office, inform him in advance. If possible, tell him the possible time and the reason for the delay.
  • Take a deliberate leave on some days. That day he was also told not to go to school. We will talk all day. You will see how much you become his best friend on an unexpected vacation.
  • Never defame any of your relatives in front of children. Instead highlight their good points.
  •  Keep in regular contact with your child's teachers. Contact the school teachers by phone even if you can't in person.
  • Working mothers who have teenagers at home need to be more careful with their children. Because at this age due to physical and mental changes, his behavior also changes. A child who never raises his head, also argues with his mouth. Most teenagers have one complaint, 'Mom doesn't try to understand me. Only rule does.' So try to understand their changes. Assure him that you are his best and most faithful friend. You hear their school stories and even their love proposals. Then try to explain to him without getting angry. Explain how you were at his age and what stage you have reached now. At this age, never call your child 'bad', 'rude', etc., and don't make comparisons such as 'Amak's daughter' or 'Tamak's son'. If he does wrong, point out his good points and separate the bad points. He will want to make amends.
  • Another important responsibility of working mothers towards their children is to hand over books to their children. Develop a good book relationship with him. It will be his best friend from computer games or cartoons. And the two can discuss the book he is reading.

To survive in today's competitive age, mothers have to leave their children at work. A mother is blessed when she overcomes many obstacles and sees her child on the pinnacle of success. According to Jagannath University's social science department teacher Leema Haque, "The reasons why society survives are interaction, tolerance, consensus, honesty, love and all these qualities a child gets from his mother."

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