The Dhaka Times Desk Dance is an art that can bring out human emotions. Now the children of Bangladesh to learn or watch dance Marwa Noor Mohammad Created a separate mobile application.
Nowadays there are various sites like YouTube for watching or sharing videos but dance is an industry that needs a completely different platform. That work was done by the developer of Bangladesh Marwa Noor Mohammad, Harper LaFave and associates together. They recently featured in World Famous TechCrunch newspaper
This new app is named full of dance mudras and dances Trance . Trance Especially will help those who want to spread their dance and dance currency among their followers. On the other hand, there are many people who are interested in watching their favorite artists dance or follow the dance steps Trance New possibilities are revealed.
Trance Trance will allow its users to publish their own dance videos, so anyone who wants to spread their dancing currency among their fans can use Trance.
Engineers of Bangladesh Marwa Noor Bachelor's degree in Computer Science followed by Master's degree in Human Computer Interaction. In his career he has been working as a software engineer and system analyst, simultaneously Marwa Noor Mohammad A good amateur dancer.
We are on this journey of Trance Marwa Noor Mohammad And Harper LaFave Congratulations and proud of their success. Trench will indeed serve as a wonderful platform for dancing.
Source: TechCrunch ; Trance