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What causes hair loss?

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people lose their hair. Both men and women have this problem. But we don't have much idea about what causes hair fall. Hope this report will give everyone that idea.

hair fall

Many men have shiny bald heads and some have full heads of hair. Although women are not bald, many have less hair and hair loss. However, the type and cause of this hair loss is different for each person. A variety of physical, mental and nutritional problems can cause hair loss. Chances of hair fall may increase due to the following reasons.

such as pregnancy

Excessive hair loss during pregnancy or after having a baby. During this time, the body undergoes various hormonal changes. Hence the rate of hair loss increases. But this is a normal process. Because of which new hair grows again later.

physical stress

Any sudden stress on the body can sometimes cause hair fall. Any type of surgery, sudden accident, major illness or even fever can increase hair loss. Any type of physical illness disrupts the normal life cycle of hair. Due to which the rate of hair loss increases.


Stress often causes hair loss. Divorce, death of a loved one, even exam stress can increase hair loss. A strained relationship can also slow down hair growth and lead to excessive hair loss. So try to avoid stress as much as possible.

Lack of protein

Lack of protein in the daily diet can increase the tendency of hair loss. Because protein helps build hair. So protein deficiency slows hair growth and increases hair loss. So the daily diet should include fish, meat, eggs and pulses.

Excess vitamin A

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, hair loss increases in the presence of excess vitamin A in the body. An adult's daily requirement of vitamin A is 5000 international units. They opined that taking more vitamin A daily can increase the amount of hair loss.

Thyroid hormone deficiency

Deficiency of thyroid hormone in the body is called hypothyroidism. Many experts believe that hypothyroidism causes hair loss and reduced hair growth.

Extra style

It is also seen that many times, while doing excessive hair styling, one has to lose the hair in the end. Regular hair coloring, straightening, rebonding, gels or hair sprays can damage the health of the hair and often lead to hair loss.

Abnormal weight loss

Being overweight is also a big problem. Sudden abnormal weight loss due to excessive dieting can increase hair loss. Skipping breakfast and dinner to lose weight or not eating nutritious food can damage hair. Deficiency of essential nutrients in hair inhibits hair growth and can lead to increased hair loss.

last word

So you have to be careful all the time. We have to pay attention so that the above problems do not appear in front of us. Everyone should remember, rules must be followed to prevent hair loss. Otherwise, one day our sadh's hair will no longer be on his head. So be alert while there is time. Source: Internet.

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