The Dhaka Times
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Healthy food is the best medicine for beautiful and healthy hair

The Dhaka Times Desk The durability of your hair depends on your diet. Kenona provides nourishment to the root of the hair through food alone. Having these foods in your diet will make your hair look healthy. The only way to grow strong hair is to choose the right food.

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Your diet should include:

Whole grain food/food rich in brown grains

Your diet should include foods rich in brown grains like red rice, red flour, red sugar, wheat, corn. Because they contain a lot of zinc, vitamins B1, B2 and B6. Which nourishes your hair follicles and scalp.

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Eggs and chicken meat

Eggs and chicken should be included in your diet. Because eggs and chicken are rich in protein which helps in hair growth. Strengthens weak hair.

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green vegetables

If you want really healthy hair, you must eat plenty of vegetables. Vegetables are especially important in your daily diet. Green vegetables contain a lot of vitamins A and C, calcium. Which removes the roughness of your hair.

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Different types of pulses, beans, beans, pulses etc. It contains a lot of carotene, biotin. Which will make your hair smooth and strong.

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the fish

Fish is rich in omega acids, vitamins D and E. It nourishes your scalp. It also works to grow hair.

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All types of nuts – Chinese almonds, cashew nuts, walnuts, etc. prevent hair fall. Besides dates, walnuts are very useful. Which works well in preventing hair breakage and fall.
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Photo: Courtesy of

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