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Facebook users suffer from personal inferiority complex (research)

The Dhaka Times Desk University of Michigan A study has shown that Facebook users suffer from personal inferiority in all cases, whether young or young. This study shows how quickly Facebook is changing people's behavior.


This is run on Facebook users Research For two consecutive weeks, it shows how using Facebook can have a harmful effect on a person.

Currently Facebook has more than one billion users and more than half of them log into Facebook every day. Every moment hundreds of friends rush to Facebook whenever they can to get the latest status. Many people have a habit of spending the night on Facebook. For all these reasons, many people develop depression and self-inferiority!

Internet Psychologist Graham Jones "It is true that many other studies have shown many beneficial aspects of Facebook, but it also has many harmful aspects," he said.

The relationship of Facebook users with loneliness found in the study: The study showed that it is not possible for many people to spend time normally after using Facebook, so they spend a lot of lonely time whenever they are outside of Facebook. As a result, Facebook users are very indifferent about real life outside of Facebook, so they spend a lot of time alone in real life.

Meanwhile, researchers worry that the more Facebook users use this site, the less self-reliance they have in their own lives.

Research shows that most of the users here said they use Facebook to stay connected with their friends while 23% said they only use Facebook to discover new friends. In terms of things shared on the Facebook wall about themselves, most of the users about 37% said that they share their bad things more on Facebook.

meanwhile Graham Jones He said, "Not to worry about the results of this study, because most of the users who have been surveyed here are highly addicted to using Facebook, on the other hand, there is a large part of Facebook who spend the necessary time on Facebook, so there is nothing to worry about."

Source: BBC

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