The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Chicken Roast

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's recipe is chicken roast. This is one of the most popular chicken items.

Chicken bhuna


  • # chicken 1 domestic or broiler (weight 500g = 8 back)
  • # quarter cup of minced onion
  • # ginger paste 2 tsp
  • # garlic paste 1 tsp
  • # almond batter 1 tsp
  • # cumin batter 1 tsp
  • # turmeric powder half teaspoon
  • # Chili powder 1 tsp
  • # garam masala as required
  • # 5 green chillies
  • # cumin powder 1 tsp
  • # is like salt to taste
  • # for oil and water cooking
  • the method

    1 chicken should be taken after 8. Chicken meat should be washed well, drained of water, coated with salt, turmeric powder, chili powder and lightly fried in hot oil. After that, fry the onions in a pot until brown in color and make a gravy with ginger paste, garlic paste, almond paste, cumin paste, garam masala, turmeric and chili powder and cook it with chicken meat for at least 10-15 minutes on low flame. (After adding the meat to the gravy, it should be fried well. After that, it should be steamed) After cooking, sprinkle with green chillies and cumin powder and serve hot.

    Recipe written by: Md. Shahadat Hossain, Spectra Convention Center, Dhaka.

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