The Dhaka Times
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Earthquake is the worst natural disaster. What to do to prevent earthquakes

Dhaka Times Report. Earthquake is the worst natural disaster in our country. The worst aspect of earthquakes is that there are no early warning signals. Whether it is storm or rain, we get early warning signals. That gives enough time to be alert. But an earthquake is something that cannot be predicted in advance.
প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে ভয়াবহ হলো ভূমিকম্প ॥ ভূমিকম্প প্রতিরোধে যা করবেন 1
Experts commented that if there is an earthquake in our country, the amount of damage will be very high. But we have not made much progress towards what can be done to prevent this earthquake. In our country there is not much propaganda on Radio-TV about Earthquake. Campaigning is very important to make the public aware. But there is no government or private initiative in that direction.

Recently, an organization named 'Bhumi Pe Sahajik Committee' has been established in the capital. The convener of this organization has tried to make people aware by forming this committee on his own initiative. The original founder of this committee Md Shahadat Hossain works in a private company but he is in journalism even though he is not professional. After the earthquake was felt on April 10, he distributed leaflets among the people in Bhashantek area. Which has aroused quite a response in the area.

We talked with Md. Shahadat Hossain. He said that he has formed the Earthquake Support Committee on his own initiative. Campaigning to make people aware. He has already held awareness meetings for students and parents of several schools including Royal Star School in Bhashantech area of the capital. He thinks that building must be done with the opinion of experts. And the people should be made aware of the immediate actions in case of an earthquake. So that we can be saved if this earthquake happens. He thinks that the way our country is hit by earthquakes one after the other, it is not unusual to have major earthquakes in the future. So there is time to make the citizens of the country aware. He thinks that the risk of earthquake in Bangladesh is very high.

Last year on the evening of September 18, an earthquake was felt in Bangladesh. The stability level was 6.9 at 100 seconds on the Richter scale. Last April 10, a mild earthquake was felt in Bangladesh.

What to do during an earthquake:

If you ever feel an earthquake -
(1) If you live on the ground floor, move away from the building as soon as possible if you have time during the earthquake. (2) And if you don't have time to get out, then take a position on the building's beam or stairs in a strong place. If possible take mobile with you. (3) If possible keep gas TV electrical switch refrigerator connection off. (4) If trapped in a collapsed building, try to escape through a window or open space. (5) Attempt to rescue children and elderly people who are trapped. (6) The most important thing during an earthquake is to keep a cool head and strong morale without getting excited.

What to do after an earthquake:

(1) Those who are healthy will give first aid to the injured and arrange to take them to the hospital if necessary. (2) Helping security and relief organizations Helping government and private organizations with accurate information. (3) Do not panic and raise your morale and participate in rescue operations if possible.
Courtesy: Earthquake Support Committee (Bhusak) Mob: 01712381128

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