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Let's know about 3G, 3.5G and 3.9G in detail

Rajiur Rahman Although 4G or LTE has been launched in the developed countries of the world, 3G has just started its journey in our country. Even though Teletalk introduced this service a year ago, it failed to attract common customers, on the other hand, Teletalk's 3G was supposed to spread across the country this year, but it did not happen. On the other hand, as soon as Grameenphone, Robi and Airtel got the license to provide 3G services, this time the people of the country are a little nervous about 3G. However, Robi's 3.5G, Grameenphone's 3.9G offers have confused them enough before they hit the market.


3G in Bengali means third generation internet service. The speed of which is higher than the current EDGE.

3.5G is HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) high speed downlink packet access, through which 7.2 Mbit data per second is possible. And HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access) provides an upload speed of 5.8 mbit per second through high speed uplink packet access.

3.7G is HSPA (High Speed Packet Access) high speed packet access through which 21 to 28 mbit speed can be obtained per second.

Grameenphone is going to launch 3.9G HSPA+ technology in Bangladesh. 3.9G is Pre-4G which can get speed up to 168mbit per second in HSPA+(Evolved High Speed Packet Access) technology. No more, to go further you have to migrate to 4G which is not yet launched in Bangladesh.

If you are in a 3G network area, your mobile will display 3G, if you are in a 3.5G or 3.7G network area, your mobile will display H, and if you are in a 3.8G or 3.9G network area, your mobile will display H+. .

Now let's see What benefits are we going to get when 3G is launched:

Video and audio calls can be made simultaneously. Voice quality can be heard clearly. The thing that 3G is so famous for is that you can use fast internet. You can download or upload videos, audios, high-quality images very quickly and share them with your friends. You can save your valuable time to send pictures, files, emails very quickly. You can watch various live TV channels on the move.

What does it take to have a 3G network?

A 64k SIM which supports 3G network. Even if not, no problem because Grameenphone, Robi, Airtel have announced that they are not keeping any cost to upgrade to 3G. Of course there are few plugins that support 3G network. The speed of 3G will depend on the user and which package you subscribe to.

Reference: Wikipedia – 3G And Wikipedia HSPA

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