The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Chicken Korma

The Dhaka Times Desk Chicken Korma is here for you today in the recipe.

Chicken Raita


  • # 1 rooster (4 or 8 back)
  • # ginger paste 2 tbsp
  • # garlic paste 1 tbsp
  • # onion batter quarter cup
  • # coconut batter 4 tbsp
  • # milk quarter cup
  • # garam masala is like quantity
  • # is like salt to taste
  • # ghee 4 tbsp
  • # almond batter 2 tbsp
  • # as oil and water quantity
  • the method

    Clean the chicken and cut it into 4 or 8 pieces. Lightly fry chicken pieces in hot oil with salt. After that, in any pot, add onion paste, ginger paste, garlic paste, almond paste, garam masala to make gravy. When the gravy is full, mix the chicken meat with coconut batter and milk and cook for a while on low heat and cover with ghee. When the oil floats on the chicken, serve hot with a sprinkling of barista onions or a sprinkling of chopped pistachio nuts.

    Recipe written by: Md. Shahadat Hossain, Spectra Convention Center, Dhaka.

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