The Dhaka Times
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A sacrificial bull in Sirajganj costs 12 lakh taka!

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, the price of a bull for sacrifice in Sirajganj has increased to 12 lakh taka.

price of 12 lakh

The price of a 3-year-old bull weighing one ton brought for sale at Qorbanirhat in Belkuchi, Sirajganj, has gone up to Tk 12 lakh. Already, a wealthy buyer wanted to buy the bull for 7 lakhs, but the seller's mind did not melt.

It is known that the owner of this lucky bull is Shamsul Haque, son of late Ekram Ali of Mamudpur village of the upazila. A lot of excitement has been created in the area about this bull.

It is known that the Minister of Fisheries and Livestock, Abdul Latif Biswas MP, was impressed by the Brahma breed of cattle during his visit to America in 2009 and instructed the local livestock department to breed 65 indigenous cows of 50 farmers in his constituency Belkuchi-Chowhali by bringing seeds.

Then from April 30, 2010 to August 27, 2012, 46 calves including 28 bulls and 18 heifers were born under this program. This 12 lakh taka bull brought for sale on the Eid of Qorbani is one of those projects.

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