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Now can cure headaches digitally!

The Dhaka Times Desk Headache problem is seen in almost everyone now. And in case of headache, the use of tablets or balm is essential. But now there is a device that can cure headache without any hassle.


Now is the digital age. And so no more tablets for headache. All the fuss, no more headaches with just one device. The headache will go away. In life and your, I mean you can't even think of coming close to your head. US researchers have invented such a device. With which headache can be cured easily. Applying balm and massaging the head or taking tablets will not be a problem anymore.

Apart from the fact that it is impossible to install the device, the installation of the device has also been tested manually. That means, the research is true not only on paper but also in practice.

It is known that a couple of years ago, American doctors installed this headache device on the head of a patient. It is inserted through a cut in any part of the skin lining the scalp. Then the area is sutured. Whenever that patient feels headache, he has to do only one thing. A small control box fitted on the lower part of the back is closed by touching the magnet trigger with the hand. The device implanted in the head will start working. The device will shake off the feeling of pain.

This device controls only one nerve connected to the brain. That nerve informs the feeling of pain. An electric touch from the trigger instantly removes the sensation. This is how this device works.

According to the media, it is claimed by researchers as the most advanced treatment for headaches. They say there is no headache that won't respond to it. The wire to which the device is attached under the scalp will stimulate the nerve causing the pain and the sensation of pain will gradually subside. This is how the device will work. The invention of this device will reduce the suffering of people as long ago people used to suffer from headaches. However, it is not known how much it will cost to set the device on the head. References: Daily Times.

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