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Now Nokia is going to make a smart watch with multiple displays!

The Dhaka Times Desk After Samsung or LG, the technology manufacturer Nokia is desperate to catch the smart watch market! Recently, Nokia has announced that it will launch a smart watch with multiple displays.


Nokia has recently announced that they are going to introduce smart watches in the market, the design of their released smart watches has a different uniqueness especially when all the other technology manufacturers have introduced smart watches with a single display in the market, Nokia has announced that they are going to bring a little difference in their smart watches. It has multiple displays and can run multiple apps simultaneously.

In this new smart watch brought to the market by Nokia, the user can use different apps on different displays according to his wishes. For example, if you want to put calendar and clock on one display, email on the other display, it will be possible to run one app on each display.

Compared to other smart watches currently in the market, this watch that Nokia is going to bring will be much thicker because it has multiple displays.

Meanwhile, in other smart watches in the market, however, multiple apps can be run on the same display in a pop-up system. Meanwhile, another famous technology manufacturer Apple said they are too soon 'iWatch' Smart watches are going to be brought to the market.

Currently, many companies are desperate to capture the smart watch market, but in order to succeed in the market, light slim smart watches along with modern technology facilities will be on everyone's list of preferences.

Thank you: The TechJournal

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