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Amnesty has identified drone strikes as war crimes

The Dhaka Times Desk Amnesty International has identified drone attacks as war crimes.


International human rights organization Amnesty International commented that the unlawful killing of people in Pakistan, especially in the recent US drone attack, is a war crime in many cases.

Citing the London-based organization, the media reported that after reviewing 9 recent drone attacks in Pakistan's North Waziristan, most of the victims of drone attacks were unarmed people. Amnesty International has also called for an end to the secrecy surrounding drone strikes and the prosecution of those involved in illegal strikes.

In a report published by the organization, it is also said that without sufficient transparency, there is no way to investigate the US's claim that the attack was carried out on the basis of proper intelligence. Meanwhile, the organization made this call at a time when the meeting between US President Barack Obama and Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is being held at the White House. It is expected that drone attacks will also be discussed in this meeting.

Amnesty also says two drone strikes in northwest Pakistan last year appear to have been unprovoked. Because a 68-year-old woman lost her life while picking vegetables in one of its attacks. The US has carried out nearly 400 drone strikes since 2004 in Pakistan's mountainous areas along the Afghan border. According to BBC, 2500 to 3500 people lost their lives.

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