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Kenya's rhinos to be microchipped in horns to protect them

The Dhaka Times Desk Rhinos are currently being exterminated at an alarming rate in Kenya. Therefore, the Kenyan government, with the financial support of the World Wildlife Fund, has taken the initiative to attach microchips to the horns of rhinos in order to protect the remaining rhinos in that country.


Kenya is a country of world biodiversity. There are plenty of rhinoceros along with other wild animals. However, once there were many rhinos, the number of rhinos is decreasing at an alarming rate due to secret killings by poachers. The latest survey shows there are only an estimated 1,000 rhinos left in Kenya.

Rhino horn is now more valuable than gold on the black market. As a result, poachers are mercilessly killing rhinos to collect their horns. As a result, the World Wildlife Fund (KWS) officials feel that it is necessary to take appropriate measures now to protect the rhinos.

The World Wildlife Fund has provided the Kenyan government with 1,000 fingernail-sized microchips and five scanners that will be attached to the horns of each rhino and monitored with the scanners.


Robert Magori, the World Wildlife Fund's Kenya representative, said, “Currently, the number of rhinos has declined at an alarming rate. If measures are not taken to protect these rhinos now, it will become a challenge to protect them. This is the first use of microchip technology to protect rhinos and we know it is very expensive to attach this chip to each rhino. But right now, protecting rhinos is a very important task for us."


1000 microchips and scanners cost around Rs 13,000 and these chip fittings will cost more. According to the World Wildlife Fund, DNA samples from each rhino will be collected on these chips. As a result, poaching of rhinos will be greatly reduced, as well as awareness of the traffickers.

It should be noted here that the killing of rhinos in Kenya started in 1970. Between 1970 and 1992, about 96 percent of the rhinos here were exterminated.

Thank you: Daily Mail

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