The Dhaka Times
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Phone conversation between the two leaders: How far is the solution to the crisis?

The Dhaka Times Desk The countrymen breathed a sigh of relief on the news that the two leaders would have a phone conversation. But in reality it was very different. Although the people are still optimistic that the two leaders will sit and this great crisis of the nation will be resolved.


After yesterday's phone conversation, extensive writing has started in various newspapers and magazines. There has been a serious discussion on this issue in the night TV talk shows. But everyone wants to see the matter positively.

The patient died before the doctor arrived

It has been written in our time newspaper, 'Dialogue or reconciliation is the most desired by the people of the country at this moment in the political crisis, but it died in the field due to the crisis of mutual trust. The Prime Minister telephoned, but the discussion between the government and the opposition was limited to a dinner invitation with the revelation that 'the patient died before the doctor arrived.'

The nation is sad, ashamed, disappointed

Another article in the same magazine. It said, 'Sorry Leader of Opposition, nation is saddened, ashamed, disappointed in your position. A consent from you could have freed the nation from fear and anxiety. Could have relieved the nation from a suffocating situation. But you didn't compromise. In this case, like many, we also have a question - is your main goal a free, fair and elected government with the participation of all, or something else.'

'On October 25 the whole nation was in anxiety and worry. But at the last minute, the opposition party was allowed to hold a rally on the initiative of the Prime Minister. Opposition parties held rallies in different places of the country including Dhaka. On the day of the assembly itself, we learned through the Information Minister that the Prime Minister would call the Leader of the Opposition. Those with the slightest faith in democracy, naturally expected that the opposition would wait for the assurance of a responsible person like the Information Minister, giving time for discussions without giving any programme. There was a similar indication in the speech of the Leader of the Opposition. The leader of the opposition party said, '60 hours of strike from Sunday if the initiative for negotiation is not taken by Saturday.' In other words, the discussion must be started by Saturday, otherwise there will be a strike.'

That Desired Phone: How It Happened

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina spoke to opposition leader Khaleda Zia by making that much-desired telephone call. He invited for dinner tomorrow (October 28) as well as called for the withdrawal of the continuous strike that started today. He said, let's discuss my proposal and yours. In response, Khaleda Zia said that she is willing to sit for talks anytime after the end of the three-day hartal at 6 pm on Tuesday, not on Monday. If the prime minister accepts the demand of a non-party government in principle, then all future programs will also be suspended.

At 6:21 PM, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina called the special assistant of the opposition leader, Advocate Shamsur Rahman Shimul Biswas, on his cell phone. During the phone conversation, the Prime Minister was at Ganabhaban and the Leader of Opposition at his Gulshan residence. Both started talking by exchanging pleasantries. The two leaders of the two top parties of the country had a phone conversation for about 40 minutes. They speak openly on almost all issues including the ongoing crisis of the country. Past, present and future to-dos are also discussed in their talk.

But even after this long phone conversation, the countrymen could not let out their breath completely. Because everyone expected that the three-day strike would be called off after the two leaders spoke. But the opposition leader said that it is too late to withdraw the program and it is not possible to withdraw it at the moment. The press secretary of the opposition party leader told reporters that almost all the leaders of the 18 parties are hiding. The police are troubling them in various ways. If they are not available at the moment, how will the program be withdrawn. Because this program is not BNP alone. This program is of 18 groups.

Diplomats welcome

Diplomats of friendly countries in Dhaka welcomed the phone conversation between the two leaders. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and opposition leader Khaleda Zia spoke on the phone last Saturday evening. The Prime Minister invited the Leader of the Opposition to the Ganobhaban on Monday evening. When some of the embassies of friendly countries in Dhaka were contacted to know about this, they called it very positive. They hope that as negotiations begin, political parties will avoid programs that could lead to conflict or spoil the atmosphere for negotiations. News media.

Diplomats feel that a positive dialogue between the two main political parties will bring relief to the people of the country and the diplomatic circles. This is a good start. The foreign friends of Bangladesh hope that the opposition leader will accept the Prime Minister's invitation and use the opportunity for discussion and that such positive communication and discussion will continue in the future.

last word

Don't stay behind before the incident. The countrymen think that there is still time to get rid of this great crisis of the country. Since the discussion through phone calls has developed a way. It is along that path that the two leaders will soon hold talks to pave the way for a free and fair election. Will free the nation from this great crisis. Because people will never accept violent programs like hartal, strikes. People feel that there is still enough time for the two leaders of the two parties to sit down for talks to pave the way and give the nation a free, fair election in which all parties in the country will participate with pleasure.

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