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Jenin's list of 25 famous aircraft and spacecraft

The Dhaka Times Desk December 17, 1903 will always be written in golden letters in the history of aviation, because on this day the Wright brothers first attempted to fly, and since then all modern aircraft and space vehicles have been developed in the thousand years. They have left each other behind in the excellence of the era. Once upon a time, humans flew across the sky and conquered the space universe and crossed the infinity of the solar system. Today we are going to tell you about 25 special aircrafts and spacecrafts ever made that have given our flying experience a different dimension.


1. Right Flyer:
It is the first airplane in the history of the world made by the famous Wright brothers. It certainly deserves to be at the top of the list of airplanes. Because this is how people dreamed of flying, tried to fly and started building airplanes.

2. CF-105 Aero:

This aircraft was built for the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Cold War. It was the first supersonic fighter aircraft designed to carry nuclear bombs. However, its production was discontinued after only 6 aircraft were built. After that, most of the workers involved in the construction of this aircraft were used in the construction of NASA's space vehicles.

3. Soyuz rocket:

Many have heard its name for sure! It was the rocket made by the former Soviet Union that sent dogs and Yuri Gagarin into space. After that, various things have been sent into space at various times, and this space vehicle is still used to bring goods into space!

4. MiG-29 aircraft:


Many people have heard the name MiG-29. It was first developed around 1950 but this supersonic aircraft is still in use in Korea. Large numbers of MiG-29s have been purchased by the governments of Korea, Vietnam and India. It is still one of the most notable supersonic fighter jets.

5. Mosquito:


This light biplane bomber was developed by the British government. It was used extensively during World War II. It has since been modified in various stages.

6. Spitfire:


It is believed that the British dominated the Second World War because of this aircraft. It is also in the Bangladesh Air Force. This aircraft is an aircraft of special use in war.

7. F-104 Starfighter:


This fighter was originally built for the US Air Force, but seeing its wide range of uses, many countries bought it and added it to their fleets. Currently it is adorning the air forces of Canada, India, Japan, Turkey.

8. F-18 fighter jet:


It is one of the famously successful warplanes, with its incredible speed capable of deceiving the enemy to shoot and bomb. It is currently in use in Canada, US Air Force, Marine Corps. But the most noteworthy is the use of this aircraft by the mighty Blue Angel forces in America's fierce combat operations.

9. B-Plan:


It saw numerous uses in World War I, but is still used in the skies all over the world. Its wings are fixed and it can accommodate two passengers.

10. Sikorsky R-4:


It is the first helicopter made in the history of the world. It was built in 1942. It used to transport troops and goods at that time.

11. V-7 Osprey:


These American-made fighter jets, as well as helicopters, are still attached to the fleets of the US Marines and Air Force. It is also attached to the Canadian Air Force.

12. The Enola Gay


It was the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan.

13. The Red Baran:


This three-wheeled aircraft was used by the Germans in World War I. It is light and can easily take off from short runways.

14. Apollo:


Who does not know about Apollo! In space and space, the first astronaut to reach the moon marked the lunar conquest.

15. Saturn 5


This rocket is developed by NASA and has sent astronauts into space countless times.

16. Sputnik:


It was the first man and man-made object to be sent into space, a spacecraft built by the Soviet Union.

17. Space Shuttle:


It is a space vehicle that has two special fuel chambers that can give it super speed for 124 seconds. It is an extraordinary man-made spacecraft.

18. Harrier Jump Jet:


It was developed by the United Kingdom. These modern fighter jets are currently augmenting the strength of air forces in America, Britain, India.

19. Vostok Space Craft:


By doing this, Yuri Gegrin wandered into space. It is a space vehicle made by the Soviet Union.

20. U-2 spy plane:


This spy plane was built by America. It was created during the war of nerves. Most of its flights were over the Soviet Union, China and Cuba. It was used by the American CIA.

21. Northrop Gumman B2 Spirit:


It is much discussed because of its structure. It can carry two passengers and loads of bombs including nuclear bombs. It is in the American Air Force.

22. F105 Vodo:


It is an aircraft used by the US and Canadian Air Force. It was created at the time to counter the Soviet Union. It can carry nuclear bombs.

23. Messersmith ME 262


It is a fighter aircraft developed by Germany and is considered to be the first fighter aircraft. It was widely used in World War II.

24 Boeing B17


It is an American-made bomber fighter. It was created in 1930. It is still used by the US, Canadian, and Brazilian air forces.

25. The Avro Lanchester:


It was developed by Canada during World War II. It was used by the Canadian Army and the Australian Army.

Source: List25

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