The Dhaka Times
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Fire in the slums in the capital. Fear of extensive damage

Staff Reporter A terrible fire took place in the slum next to Kazi's office on Shyamoli 2nd road of the capital today at around 9 am on May 16.
রাজধানীতে বস্তিতে আগুন ॥ ব্যাপক ক্ষয়ক্ষতির আশংকা 1
According to the latest news, 5 units of the capital's fire service are busy in extinguishing the fire. However, fire service sources said that the fire is under control. However, a resident of the area told Dhaka Times that smoke is still visible in the area (11 am).

Dhaka Times reporter went to the scene at 9:30 in the morning and stopped seeing the flames. At this time people can be seen running in different directions.

Meanwhile, the air became heavy with cries and wails among hundreds of slum dwellers due to this fire. The extent of the damage is not yet known. It is not known where the fire started. However, it is feared that there may be extensive loss of life and property.

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