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Made a small boat mini yacht!

The Dhaka Times Desk Italian Design Studio Lazzarini This year, the 2013 monaco yacht show introduced the world to the mini yacht for the first time! Looking like a jet capsule, this yacht is seven and a half meters long and three and a half meters wide.


This mini yacht can be used for many purposes, it is supposed to work well as a water taxi. Besides, being small in size and light in weight, it will be possible to move easily in water.

The exterior of this small watercraft is made entirely of fiberglass. It is built on a hydro jet system and is powered by one or two petrol or diesel engines. It can easily accommodate eight passengers. Its doors can be opened and closed automatically, and it has a roof to protect it from sunlight. It also has a bathroom. You can even customize it and add a keychain if you want!

At night, the jet capsule will emit a blue light that many might mistake for a spaceship! Lazzarini Design Studio has also confirmed that this jet capsule can be used for military purposes if desired, even as an ambulance! Even if you want to have a small party on the water, this jet capsule gives you that advantage!

Lazzarini Design Studio, the maker of the jet capsule, says that anyone can use it however they want. In fact, this capsule is not made for any specific purpose!

Check out some pictures

Also working on another jet capsule that looks like a UFO. It will take 2015 to fully market, according to Lazzarini Studios. Check out some pictures of the UFO style jet capsule

Reference: Gizmag

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